nefits Of Black Pepper On Your Body
Black pepper is a versatile product that stimulates senses, taste buds and affects many body systems positively. The thermogenic features increase the metabolism and strength and therefore boost physical and psychological capacity. There are plenty of benefits surrounding this spice and there is a reason why our ancestors had named it the 'King of Spice'. Dietician Garima shares some healthy benefits of black pepper and how it can act as a disinfectant that can prevent many diseases. Used in Ayurveda Medicine Ayurveda remedies frequently contain the seasoning for its health benefits. Black pepper-in combination with substances like castor oil or ghee-is used as an appetite stimulant, a breathing aid, and a cough therapy. Good for Digestion Raw black pepper releases hydrochloric acid in the stomach and thus aids digestion. Hydrochloric acid can help you clean your intestines and helps in barricading other gastrointestinal disorders. So don't forget to add a pinch of black pepper to all of your food. Rich in Vitamins and Minerals The nutritional content of black pepper is far more diverse than you might think. The innocuous-looking substance contains a generous quantity of vitamin A and is rich in vitamins C and K. Other nutrients in black pepper include Thiamin, Pyridoxine, Riboflavin, Folic acid, Choline, Copper, calcium etc. Prevents Constipation You may have constipation if you have fewer than three stools a week. However, adding some black pepper every day to your food can solve this problem. Sometimes when you suffer from constipation, you can get exhausted from passing stools or sometimes after passing stools, you may not feel empty. Therefore, black pepper once eaten on a regular basis, curbs bowel cancer, constipation, nausea, among certain bacterial forms of disorders. HELPs in Weight Loss The wonderful spice helps to lose weight, and you can add it to green tea 2-3 times a day. This is because the spice contains a rich content of phytonutrients that contributes to the destruction of excess fat. This increases the metabolism of the body as well. Prevents Any Sort of Cancer Black pepper combined with turmeric is believed to prevent cancer. It can be consumed in the form of milk by combining turmeric and black pepper. This drink is typically given to people who have extreme cold. This is known to be composed of antioxidants, vitamin A, and carotenoids that help prevent cancer and other deadly diseases Treats Skin Problems The 'King of Spices' is said to prevent skin pigmentation (Vitiligo). This condition makes your skin appear white and this is also called white patches. Though there are many medicines available in the market to restore your skin colour, black pepper protects your skin from any sort of skin pigmentation and helps maintain the original colour of your skin. So, for both taste and wellness, remember to add a little sprinkle of the wonderful spice to your meal. Make sure you only use the purest and most natural black pepper powder because it will not only make a tremendous difference to the food taste but also to your health. And, when you have a few sniffles and aches to deal with next time, take a look at your kitchen before heading out to your doctor. Maybe the little remedy is sitting pretty, right in your spice rack! (Puja Gupta can be contacted at puja.G@ians.In) --IANSpg/tb/
Health-boosting Indian Spices, According To Nutritionist Kavita Devgan
The Indian way of nutrition offers a combination of power-packed foods that not only improve immunity but also ensures 'Sarvagunn Sampann' health.Kavita Devgan, Nutrition Expert, Tata Nutrikorner suggests one should integrate these five proven spices to your diet to help build immunity, build optimum health and ward off common infections.1. TurmericIs there anything turmeric cannot do? Seems not. Turmeric is a strong flu-fighter and has anti-inflammatory properties which act as immunity enhancers and can help the body ward off viral infections. So add it to all your 'tadkas' and drink 'Haldi Doodh' (Turmeric milk) at night. You could even make haldi-ghee-pepper-jaggery balls and eat one every day.Tip: Just make sure that you use haldi sourced from Salem that has 3 percent curcumin and natural oils intact. Trend: The West is going gaga over Turmeric lattes, try it! 2. Kasuri Methi (Fenugreek)This lesser known spice doesn't just add an amazing flavour to your dishes, but is also a wonderful source of fibre and is known to be effective in decreasing cholesterol and inflammation in the body. It keeps the digestion happy, which is essential for good immunity while keeping your blood sugar in check. Tip: Make sure you source it right and pick superior Kasuri methi sourced from Nagaur that has fewer stems. Trend: Drink Fenugreek water on an empty stomach to lose weight and target belly fat naturally. 3. Coriander PowderDhaniya powder is very good for relieving flatulence and aiding better digestion of food by facilitating better bowel movement. This is probably why it has been used extensively in our cooking since ancient times. Good gut health not only protects against cold and virus but aids in faster recovery from an infection. Tip: Coriander powder from the Kumbhraj region of Madhya Pradesh is very good as it contains natural oils. 4. Garam MasalaThis blend of ground whole spices is full of antioxidants which help in boosting digestion and fighting inflammation in the body; thus keeping our immunity optimum. Plus it is full of antioxidants and also fights bloating and flatulence. Tip: Make sure you source garam masala that has all these spices in it: Coriander, Turmeric, Chilli, Fennel, Black Pepper, Cumin, Salt, Ginger Powder, Mustard, Green Chilli Powder, Fenugreek (leaves), Cinnamon, Coriander (Leaves), Cloves, Allspice, Asafetida, Cardamom, Mace. 5. Black pepperBlack pepper is both an antioxidant and an antibacterial agent, it contributes to overall wellness tremendously. It also has vitamin C, which naturally boosts immunity, and works as an excellent antibiotic. Tip: Stop compromising on the quality of spices that you buy, only buy pepper which comes with the backing of a brand you can trust. Three more valuable tips for a 'Sampann' monsoon diet: 1. Instead of relying on highly processed lentils that are stripped of nutrients, opt for branded unpolished dals to score more fiber, protein and antioxidants and definitely eat two servings of lentils every day. 2. Do not fall for fads, instead trust in the Indian way of nutrition that has been with us for ages and suits our bodies best. 3. Cut down on your sugar intake drastically. It has no nutrients, no protein, no healthy fats, and no enzymes, it is just empty calories that can have a disastrous effects on our immunity.
Watch Dr. Pimple Popper Extract 'Black Pepper' Blackheads From A Patient's Forehead
In a new YouTube video, Dr. Pimple Popper tackles a forehead speckled with pepper-like blackheads. Dr. Lee uses a comedone extractor to mash out the gunk inside the blackheads. A blackhead is a single pore filled with dead skin and oil, which forms a black “head” when exposed to air. Pass the black pepper, please. In a new YouTube video, Dr. Pimple Popper—aka dermatologist and TLC host Dr. Sandra Lee, MD—tackles a forehead speckled with hundreds of pepper-like blackheads. These jammy pops are exactly the type popaholic purists will love. In the clip, Dr. Lee uses a comedone extractor to mash out the gunk inside the blackheads. The stubborn clogged pores put up quite the fight, needing a firm hand to let loose. One especially satisfied fan commented, “Does anyone else zoom in to get a closer look?” From the comments, it seems like this fan isn't alone. This patient is a repeat patient of Dr. Lee’s practice. He’s been seeing the famed dermatologist for blackhead extractions every few months, with Dr. Lee saying his skin has improved overall. But the patient says some of his blackheads do come back in the months after a treatment, meaning he’ll likely need more pop sessions in the future. A blackhead is a single pore filled with dead skin and oil, which forms a black “head” when exposed to air. The lighter portion of a blackhead is actually the same material as the black cap, only this material hasn’t been oxidized to create a black coloring. Watch the pepper pops below: This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site. Katie Dupere Katie Dupere is an editor and writer based in New York City. This content is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page to help users provide their email addresses. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.Io This commenting section is created and maintained by a third party, and imported onto this page. You may be able to find more information on their web site.
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